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Episode 135

What Would It Take?

Art by Patty Piotrowski

Hello Singer of Wellness!

All italicized words from "What Would It Take?" by Meg O'Dell.

I have a shameful secret. I can lead an incredibly grounding imagery moment, settle into listening, and completely disappear into the flow of singing -- I know studies and stories that support the efficacy of practicing of mindful presence, and I believe them wholeheartedly. I have experienced that powerful flow of energy that feels like the roll of a river surging, carrying me effortlessly through whatever I'm doing... and I expect that since I can get there sometimes, I should be there all the time! And yet... 

I spend (what seems to me to be) an inordinate amount of time distracted or distressed -- eating when my hunger is for comfort, scrolling in facebook when my hunger is for connection, turning up a podcast when my hunger is to hear what my own self is trying to tell me. And then I can snap at myself for not being aware and kind.

Anyone else do this? It can be so hard to show up for myself compassionately when that self is hurting. Even if I'm not hurting, the sheer abundance of distress and distraction can draw me away from that connected, grounded place I love to sing into!

It's never been easy to choose to fall in love with the entirety of life -- both the scatter and the focus, the mess and the clarity, the hurting and the healed. It is not easy to come back to presence and trust. Writers have been talking about this literally for millennia, and I bet thinkers were thinking about it well before there were writers. It is ever so natural.

What would it take

to let



fall in love with life


Meg and her two children share this beautiful song with us, taking time in a generous, settled way. As I was getting ready to write to you, (in a most distracted state!), I started singing it to myself... and felt myself land. The ever-so-satisfying "fall, fall" in love, then quiet pull of "gather in" and then release of "let go"; naming "joy and grief and woe," and then the rock of the sea moving "deep and slow." I can feel my brain drop into focus; the vibrations of my voice anchor my body in sensation.

I love this conversation with Meg, including a little exploration with Clancy and Celia, her children who help her share the song. Meg says, “My pathway with the voice…is about repeatedly coming back into connection with myself…and the possibility of joy.” Yes!!! We talk about the special place she lives, Waldorf teachings for children and how they might apply in adult life, how Meg created an adult and family song camp, somatic practice, and more...

At the very bottom of this email, you'll find sheet music for this week's song -- I don't regularly offer scores, because we're about songs you learn in the heart... yet there are times when, if you are a music reader, it can be lovely to have a quick reminder of how something goes, especially if you're going to share it on! This is a bonus for you who subscribe to the weekly email, who share this podcast with your friends... whose names I am reading every Wednesday morning, so grateful for your presence in the world. Thank you for your voice. 

Maybe this valentine of a song will help you, too, fall in love with life today!

Celia, Meg, and Clancy as we were getting ready to record!

Ahlay Blakely (episodes #89 & 90) is touring the east coast Feb 21-28, from Brooklyn, NY to Philly, PA, Lambertville, NJ, Washington, DC, Durham & Ashville. NC! If you're anywhere along those points, click on the pic and reserve your places as soon as you can...

I've got a brand new celebratory song to share with you as we celebrate the songwriters whose songs are making A Breath of Song such a wonderful resource... and I'll pause at about 1:30 for those who aren't interested in the Q&A to gracefully exit before opening for questions... hope you can come! Click the pic to get your Zoom link...

Sheet music for "What Would It Take?" -- click on the image for a downloadable pdf. I transcribed, Meg granted generous permission to share...

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