Following your dream View in browser 

Episode 141

Suis ton rêve

Art by Patty Piotrowski

Hello Singer of Wellness!

All italicized French words from "Suis ton rêve" by Rafaele Carlier.

Suis ton rêve... follow your dream...

I followed the words "rêve" and "dream"... and learned that the Old English word "dream" meant "joy, mirth, noisy merriment," and also "music." Sometime in the 13th century, following quite a few invasions by Vikings, "dream" disappeared for a bit on the English isles, and when it reappeared, it had taken on the definition of Old Norse "draumr" -- images in sleep. A few hundred years pass before ideas from the wakeful imagination are added, and a few hundred more before it the sense of aspiration is included.

Meanwhile, across the channel, "rêve" grows out of the Old French "resver" -- "to consider, reflect, be delirious," possibly from "esver" -- "to wander," or from the proto-Germanic, "rēswaną," meaning "to deliberate or counsel." 

Is there a kind of wisdom in wandering, and music in dreaming? This kind of word tracery fascinates me -- as though the ancestors of our ancestors shadow us as we speak their words -- words that originate in human sounds and experiences.

Il connaît le chemin... it knows the way...

This song of Rafaele Carlier's is an invitation into delirious wandering... and also joy, and of course, music! Rafaele and I met during an intense week of vocal improvisation (she is an amazing visual artist) -- and I was delighted when a few months later, she sent me this -- her first song -- on a WhatsApp message! I cherish the opportunity to sing a song a friend has caught.

Maybe you have a song that's been singing in you? Could you send it to a friend in a text? The chance to sing something that sung its way into a friend's voice... now that's a real blessing. I feel like we could do this! We could simply make things up and sing to each other?! Maybe we can free the word song from the constrictions of "3.75-minute, rhyming, harmonically inventive, verse-chorus-bridge..."? Let it be the proto-, ancestral form of language we all carry. Why not???

What do you think? Would it scare your friends silly to receive a song? Scare you to send it? 😅 What would our world be like if we didn't hesitate to sing to and with each other? 

Hmmmm.... so glad you're dreaming with me; I got a little swept up there! I read your name this morning into falling sugar snow. Following another abominable cold this last week, I am gently coaxing my voice back out, maybe in time for concerts this weekend, but we'll see. I'm so glad you are tending your own voice...

How did I forget last week to include the photo from the high energy conversation with Heidi Wilson??? 

Click on the picture to catch the episode if you missed it -- caves, traction, eyeballs -- it's a wild and woolly ride, with a fabulous gratitude song!

"This whole registration process is VERY interesting. I really wasn't sure if or why I was coming to the retreat. Now, I'm really looking forward to the adventure (as well as the food and beauty of the place)."

We have our founding fifteen people gathered, and Rowe will be opening this event up to their mailing list, too. There are eleven spaces currently open.

I would be deeply excited and honored to host you at this four-day A Breath of Song retreat at the Rowe Center in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts from May 30th-June 2nd, 2024.

Coming to see the eclipse in Vermont? Join me the weekend before as I sing with Solaris... and come say hi afterward!

Why a gratitude jar?

Because reciprocity counts.
A gratitude jar allows us to receive from you--

and so you give to us who give A Breath of Song to you,
in a beautiful cycle of mutual tending.

Contribute on a one-time or recurring basis:
it's easy, reliable,
and deeply appreciated.

Other ways to give back to us? Of course!

Share, review, comment.
A world jam-packed with people
tuning in to themselves and each other would be
the best reciprocity imaginable.

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Juneberry Music, LLC

1162 North Avenue #3
Burlington, Vermont
United States of America

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