Change and constancy... View in browser 

Episode 143

Love Stays

Art by Patty Piotrowski

Hello Singer of Wellness!

All italicized words from "Love Stays" by Laszlo Slomovits.

Change comes and goes,

Love stays.

We moved from our rural home on 11 acres to a small apartment in the city of Burlington, VT, two years and 11 days ago. Five months and 22 days ago, we moved across the busy avenue to this compact townhouse. As it happened, I just moved through it, one minute, one task at a time -- now, in retrospect, it feels huge. Has that ever happened to you? It's like I'm only starting to register just how big a loss this change was for me -- I miss the smell of spring in a deep woods, the birds and frogs, walking by horses and cows and donkeys, following deer trails (with no trash). My long-term friends and colleagues in music, reading, walking, laughing.

Of course it wasn't pure idyll -- nothing is, right? There were ticks aplenty, the sound of highway traffic across the valley when the air pressure was low, and leaf-blowers -- don't get me started on leaf-blowers! And not all of any change is loss, of course -- I love being close to our grandie, daughter and son-in-love, I am building friendships with absolutely delightful people -- and Tom and I walk to the lake every day through an old woods. 

Life is filled with such mysterious ways.

Pocket Songs is drawing to a close this spring -- after four years and 141 weeks. I'll admit to being a little nervous that it's going to be another change with more loss than I'm anticipating. Yet I feel pulled toward giving myself a little more space and time... I don't even know what exactly will fill it (well, I do happen to have had an idea for A Breath of Song community that the whole team is even now starting to shape into a reality... stay tuned!) I also recognize both our move and closing Pocket Songs are changes of my own choosing -- so many changes are foist upon us.

Speaking of change being foist upon us, I am gearing myself up to explore what I can do to help protect our democratic system of government in the USA. Yes, there are systemic problems that need addressing; even so, I believe democracy is vastly better than fascism -- and that it is realistic right now to fear autocracy. While I do not want A Breath of Song to be restrictive or proscriptive, I have this growing urge to take action to avoid a Nazi-esque future in the states. Are you feeling that, too? It seems to me that part of keeping love central is fighting for integrity in our governments.

When I write this newsletter, I think about how this song lands in me... and this is where change and love and mysterious life took me this week. I'll be reading your name, as I wonder where the song takes you. Please don't miss the shownotes, which describe a "life transition party" which sparked this song... what a brilliant idea, right? 

Our lake on yesterday morning's walk. With ducks. Life is filled with such mysterious ways. Change comes and goes, love stays. 

This word cloud comes from the answers to "what is important to you?" on the registration form for the very first A Breath of Song retreat. People are pondering the questions they are bringing. A very few spaces left -- if you'd like to come, please reserve your spot soon!

I would be deeply honored to welcome you at this at the Rowe Center in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts from May 30th-June 2nd, 2024. We'll sing and listen, sing and listen....

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tuning in to themselves and each other would be
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Juneberry Music, LLC

1162 North Avenue #3
Burlington, Vermont
United States of America

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