It's all about connection View in browser 

Episode 144

I Hear

Art by Patty Piotrowski

Hello Singer of Wellness!

All italicized words from "I Hear" by Aaron Johnson.

I hear your voice from your heart to my soul.

I got the unusual, absolutely delightful, chance to record this with a group of fellow singers from the Burlington vocal ensemble, Solaris:

  • Karen Baron
  • Cameron Brownell
  • Karen Chickering
  • Molly Moerdyk
  • Becky Peterson

And, as Molly says, "This song is all about connection." Now, yes, these folk are a little bit ringers, because they are each so comfortable and skilled with their singing voices... but learning songs by ear is unusual for them, as is creating harmonies on the fly. 

I didn't give them extra rehearsal time -- you're getting a live take as we explore this song together. So instead of an album recording, where one might pick and choose only the most polished sounds, you get to hear what it really sounds like to gather and simply play together! Aaron Johnson talks about how AI is increasing the value of unmistakable humanity in next week's episode.

My in-depth conversation with Aaron -- someone who is expert on creating connection -- was a powerful experience for me. He shares a song with us that, after the unexpected, traumatic death of his father, gave him "the first kind of inkling, the first kind of hint that this kind of grief might be bearable." He talks passionately about balancing β€œthe best we can sound” with the invitation to those who are uncomfortable with their voices, and how anti-oppression work can happen in any songcircle. I hope you'll join me and Aaron next week.

I hear my voice from my heart to your soul.


All these singing connections. Since April of 2020, I've been privileged to meet online twice-a-week with a beautiful, morphing group of people. We sang, like so many, to help us navigate the pandemic and connect with others during a lonely, confusing time... and over time, became aware of loving so much about this Pocket Songs program -- 

  • song arcs --- shifting music and feeling
  • faces -- seeing each other in our quirky spaces 
  • awareness of the web of kindness 
  • live-looping unpredictability
  • how the body feels after an hour of singing out
  • no driving to get there

Pocket Songs is drawing to a close.... and in its end is a beginning

I'm weaving these "besties" right into this podcast by starting "A Ribbon of Song" -- an episode release every six weeks of a ribbon of 4-6 connected songs from the library with no teaching, just singing. That same week, I'll live-loop an online sing of that ribbon of songs with all the A Breath of Song folk who can join that day. If this lights you up, (ooo, I'm excited to sing with you!!!), then tell me.... (fair warning; when you fill this out, depending on your device, you might get switched to another page, but it's all MailerLite on the up-and-up.)

Whoa, that was a lot to fit into one email. Thanks for reading!

Taking a breath here.

I'm so grateful for you... the way you reach out to me with your words, contribute financially to make it possible, follow up with song creators, deepening the web of song. Most of all, that you use these songs to nourish life. We are seedlings, all of us. Giant trees, all of us. And we are all the moments in between seedling and tree -- extended, curled in, connected, growing, listening, tended and tending. 

I read your name with gratitude this morning. 

Yes, really -- you!


We have an absolutely lovely group of people for the first A Breath of Song retreat. While we can officially accomodate a few more, I don't feel like I need to continue to "get the word out".... so... ball's in your court if you'd like to come! 😊

If you find yourself drawn to join us at the Rowe Center in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts from May 30th-June 2nd, 2024, click the button for to explore further.

Why a gratitude jar?

Because reciprocity counts.
A gratitude jar allows us to receive from you--

and so you give to us who give A Breath of Song to you,
in a beautiful cycle of mutual tending.

Contribute on a one-time or recurring basis:
it's easy, reliable,
and deeply appreciated.

Other ways to give back to us? Of course!

Share, review, comment.
A world jam-packed with people
tuning in to themselves and each other would be
the best reciprocity imaginable.

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Juneberry Music, LLC

1162 North Avenue #3
Burlington, Vermont
United States of America

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