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Episode 152

Ribbon Sing #1: Heartwave

Art by Patty Piotrowski, arranged by Rebecca Csuy

Hello Singer of Wellness!

I realized this week that I've been at it again. Bending myself into a smiley version of what I think is "acceptable" -- not wanting to feel what I'm feeling, not wanting to be porous to the grief of the world. Judging myself for not being connected, not being grounded, not accepting, not allowing. Not wanting to begin again -- wanting to already be "there." 

How can I possibly be sourced enough to survive the flood of pain I am seeing and feeling? 

It took me a few weeks to notice that I had fallen into disconnect again; that I was hardening and refusing instead of softening and accepting. Then I did my "panic and 'fix' me," gobbling summaries of wisdom books, practicing yoga again, playing scales and Bach. Tell Tom I'm hurting, admit it's not going well. Get scared that I've fallen into a past version of myself who won't be able to function. Curl up. Refuse to cry. Recognize how much I'm hurting. Listen to the g.d. podcast episode which I have to check before release. Sing along because I have to. 


Oh. There's the soften. Oh. There's the grief. Oh. There's the acceptance. I kid you not, as I sang, I began to turn and return. To start again, to unfold.

Take a moment to quiet the mind, 

to settle down deep in the body. 

Love flows in. 

Lead with your heart, friend, 

the day is unfolding. 

The way is clear. 

You already know. 

This is a wave, I am the ocean. 

This is a wave, I am the sea. 

All motion is love. 

We follow the love we are given. 

You've got to keep your heart wide open, 

though the waves want to push you around. 

You've got to keep your heart wide open, 

'til your faith brings you back to solid ground.*

I sang into remembering the trust and love which encompass grief and praise... the ground and sky connections which allow the waves to roll and crest and dissipate wide and deep, high and bright.

Is life hard or easy for you right now? Do you find yourself, like me, hardening as though it will protect you from pain? Do you find yourself, like me, busy-ing into frenetic action to protect from feeling helpless? We carry unprecedented societal and planetary stress right now -- makes sense that we need to source ourselves in unprecedented ways.

We've been building a resource here -- let's use it! This week we'll drop into breath and body, and then simply sing five songs in a row. If you'd like to learn more about them, or see the lyrics, you can follow along in the shownotes at abreathofsong.com; each song is linked to its individual episode with song catcher info there as well.

*All italicized words from the songs in Ribbon #1...

And there's more! Those who are able will gather together online this Sunday, July 7th, at 4 p.m. Eastern time (visiting with me & possibly a bonus song starting at 3:45 p.m.) I'm guessing it'll last 45 minutes or so, but this is the first time, so we'll see!

We'll sing the songs in inimitable online style -- I'll live loop, so you can hear lots of parts, and you'll get to sing, dance, cry, and embellish as you please in the privacy of your home. The chat will be open to respond to the songs, ask each other questions... and I'll post the lyrics there, too. 

We'll get to know each other better... huge-hearted people, who, like you and me, use song to help navigate life. A community of people who care -- we can strengthen, we can resource each other simply by showing up together.

There'll be no fee for this online event, although opportunity to contribute (suggested $15-25 range) will be available. I trust you to self-evaluate your financial stability and support generously as you are able. 

If you love to plan ahead, all the dates for this coming year's Ribbons of Song can be found here... I look forward to joining those who can make it on Sunday... and I hope you find pleasure and ease for your heart as you sing through these linked songs as I did when creating the episode.

Ribbon Pile by Patty Piotrowski

Tom and I sat still last week on Herring Cove Beach, Cape Cod, watching the sun set and planets emerge, resting our aching hearts.

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