Melanie DeMore's gift... View in browser 

Episode 153

Blessings Whenever You Breathe

Art by Patty Piotrowski

Hello Singer of Wellness!

All italicized words from "Blessings" by Melanie DeMore

Blessings whenever you breathe.

I begin a 200-hour yoga training in October; I'm reading some of the texts now so I can take a gentle pace, letting the wisdom and the questions soak in. The breath is the beginning, the continuity, and the dissolution. We are "muscled water," a phrase from Emilie Conrad-Da'oud. Mmmm.

I feel immense gratitude for teachers, the beings who carry and share wisdom, while opening space for me to meet myself. Oak, crescent moon, thistle, human, darner, rosemary, cloud, fox, brick, crow, moosewood, daisy, wave... only some of this week.... and of course, song. 

Melanie DeMore is a teacher who opens up song as a wisdom source for people. Today, not only do we sing her song, but there's also an opportunity for us to give to her, helping her secure a place to rest when not on the road. 

If you have financial resources right now, what a beautiful way to use them! I share this gofundme because until building community through song is given the same kind of financial value as other forms of work, we support community singing teachers in these kinds of direct ways. 

Look lower down for a video from Melanie... and then even a little further for another kind of opportunity from other song sharers who have sung with and been inspired by Melanie!

Blessings all around.

Want to celebrate the blessing of our first Ribbon of Song with me? -- The live sing happened Sunday, and we had 45 boxes, some with multiple singers! Here's a tiny smattering of participant comments about the Zooming experience to give you a sense of the mutual pleasure. Next live Ribbon Sing: Aug 18th.

  • Kerry Read: I love the way you put together the ribbon format. To be able to get to know the songs before the zoom and then share the group experience really "worked" for me! It is nice to see the smile I always hear in your voice..
  • Beth Lyons: Patricia, you are always a delightful surprise -- and I've sung both in person and online with you. Even more ... you let me meet myself as a surprise as well. : )
  • Anne Goodwin: You're great as a zoom leader! I feel your authentic presence.
  • Ann Crawford: Your in-person energy shines through the screen!
  • Jen Schwartz: Feeling super love-bubbled up. Happy and super grateful to be singing here with you all today! <3 Zoom isn’t easy… you’re a real gift in this space!!
  • Melissa Scanlon: This is lovely and so accessible, almost even as good as in person! It is even a bit easier to play around with harmonizing without being self-conscious. You hold this space beautifully.
  • Kate Soule: I have really enjoyed this afternoon singing with old friends and new ones. I hope everyone keeps coming back!

And now to Melanie's direct message...

Melanie's GoFundMe page

I'm so glad we're singing together....

Te Martin (conversation #120 and song #119), Shireen Amini (song #66), Sarina Partridge and yeshe salz have opened up a dream opportunity! (Click graphic for more info).

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