Joanna Laws Landis brings us all in... View in browser 

Episode 154

Gather -- We Are Not Alone

Art by Patty Piotrowski

Hello Singer of Wellness!

All italicized words from "Gather -- We Are Not Alone" by Joanna Laws Landis

We gather with courage in the presence of all who hold us.

I went to an absolutely lovely, sprawling non-birthday party this weekend -- many generations gathered in the generous, shady backyard, surrounded by beautiful gardens, noshing on incredibly tasty food concocted primarily by the host (did I mention her culinary degree?) The people were friendly, kind, colorful... so many fascinating stories! I loved it -- and I felt completely overwhelmed and socially inadequate 95% of the time... and completely whirly-eyed by the end!

What happens for you right now when you gather in groups? Is it the same or different from how you felt in groups pre-pandemic? Do you feel energized after gathering or tired? I wondered what was it like for the other people at this party.

We are not alone.

Next week, you'll hear my conversation with Joanna Laws Landis, who caught this song en route a group where she wanted to help people feel like their whole selves are welcome, just as they arrive. What does this kind of radical welcome really look like? How do we extend it to ourselves? 

Joanna and I talk about awareness in groups, and how sometimes extreme sensitivity can come from experience in unsafe environments, living with a work partner (or working with a live-in partner)... and much, much more. (Cranberries, anyone?)

We gather with our fears in the presence of all who hold us.

I'm grateful for songs that remind me that I'm not alone -- and for hearing that other people might be having a very different experience than mine. Maybe when I'm in uncertainty, they're in delight? I'm feeling into the understanding that our world can encompass a multiverse of experiences. I sing what you bring into the room; you sing what I bring. We voice acceptance. It's powerful to be singing this into our world.

We are not alone.

This week I'm saying all your names into our home... 25 minutes to celebrate each of you, tuning in to your own voice and those around you as we find our way toward a kinder, more sustainable world. 

Politically, our landscape is shifting and rearranging in the USA (how's that for understatement?) -- I'm listening for the real conversations, the hopes and fears that shake loose now -- and asking how do I align with integrity into what's next?

We're celebrating!!! A Breath of Song favorite, Lyndsey Scott, (episodes #16, #69, #70,) released an amazy-daizing collection of songs!!! It includes her release of Sing Upon Joy (episode #69). I teared up when I heard the sounds of children laughing and calling. Click on the image to buy from bandcamp, or listen wherever you get your tunes.

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