Three special songs to revisit View in browser 

Hello Singer of Wellness!

Welcome to the 10th Listener's Choice Week! 

One of the A Breath of Song subscribers (could be you?!) shares three episodes they particularly loved, and tells us why... plus an extra nugget about themselves. It gives us all more of a sense of each other in this A Breath of Song community -- and we relish a dip into the back catalog!

These come every five weeks or so -- your picks help ease my life a bit, and give all of us a chance to explore the library. 148 songs: that's a lot of music to tap into to help navigate our complex lives! A Breath of Song is not just a podcast, but a living library resource.

We'd love to hear your picks! Click the button to share your choices. You'll be asked why these, a nugget about you, & if you'd like, a picture would be amazing. We're so grateful for your engagement!

September Moon

by Chandler Yorkhall

Ann says, "Picking only three songs was too hard for me so I limited the choices to songs that help me make it through the night and this one definitely tops that list."

Episode #122

Go Dark

by Kate Thomas

Ann says, "When I am awake at o'dark-thirty, this one reassures me that not everything at night is scary (some things 'bloom and sing')."

Episode #80

Ocean of Breath

by Patricia Norton

Ann says, "The gentle rocking of this song reminds me to breathe and acts like a lullaby."

Episode #1

These are the choices of...

Ann, maker of this fabulous bargello-style heart quilt and Patricia's beloved sister,

who says, "When I was considering the many songs that I like on this website, I realized that most of them are in 3:4 or 6:8 time. Since I love to dance and the waltz is a favorite, that makes sense."

Thank you, Ann, for bringing these special songs back from Year One, Year Two, and Year Three... great picks to continue the listener's choice journey! I can't wait to see who's next and what they choose?!?! Might that be you?

Thank you to you for listening & singing, thank you for your comments & energy -- together, we tend this web of singers-listeners. Next week will be another new episode -- 149: "May My Tears Water A Sapling" by Mary Cohen, who is an Associate Professor of Music Education at the University of Iowa, the lead author of Music-Making in U.S. Prisons: Listening to Incarcerated Voices (2022), and co-founder of the International Music and Justice Network: IMAJIN Caring Communities, a group of researchers from 18 countries who study music-making in prisons. In Episode 150, we get a songwriter conversation with Mary.

Wishing you so very well --

Juneberry Music, LLC

1162 North Avenue #3
Burlington, Vermont
United States of America

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