Three special songs to revisit View in browser 

Hello Singer of Wellness!

Welcome to the 11th Listener's Choice Week! 

One of the A Breath of Song subscribers (could be you?!) shares three episodes they particularly loved, and tells us why... plus an extra nugget about themselves. It gives us all more of a sense of each other in this A Breath of Song community -- and we relish a dip into the back catalog!

These come every five weeks or so -- your picks help ease my life a bit, and give all of us a chance to explore the library. 153 songs: that's a lot of music to tap into to help navigate our complex lives! A Breath of Song is not just a podcast, but a living library resource.

We'd love to hear your picks! Click the button to share your choices. You'll be asked why these, a nugget about you, & if you'd like, a picture would be amazing. We're so grateful for your engagement!


by Neal Jolly

Resa says, "This is an incredible song to focus on the body and breath. It is both grounding (for the body) and spiritual in a Zen-like way (for the breath). Singing this song helps release the tensions of the day in a beautiful way."

Episode #126

Winter Song

by Dirk Mont Campbell

Resa says, "I love the mystical sound of this piece and the focus of death and rebirth. Nature, like our lives, is cyclical, and nothing is ever static. Celebrations of the seasons: solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days deeply resonate with me."

Episode #77

Shadow Listening

by Patricia Norton

Resa says, "This song is so poignant it brings me to tears every time I hear it. So many of Patricia's songs are my favorites (Lullaby My Sweetness, Farewell, I Am Listening, etc.) but this one brings to mind my own struggles to overcome past traumas and a reminder that 'I can do this healing.' Thank you, Patricia!"

Episode #47

These are the choices of...


shown here with Honey, who was her faithful canine companion for over 16 years,

who says, "As much as I love cheerful, upbeat songs, I realize the songs which resonate deeply for me are in a minor key or one of the modes (Dorian, Aeolian). These seem to be the most healing for my psyche. One song I sing almost daily is the Pocket Song 'Oxygen' by Wendy Luella Perkins, which is a reminder to be aware of where we choose to focus our attention. What an incredible gift this library of songs is!"

Resa's avid hobby: counted cross-stitch

Thank you, Resa, for bringing these special songs back from Year One, Year Two, and Year Three... great picks to continue the listener's choice journey! I can't wait to see who's next and what they choose?!?! Might that be you?

Thank you to you for listening & singing, thank you for your comments & energy -- together, we tend this web of singers-listeners. Next week will be another new episode -- 154: "Gather – We Are Not Alone" by Joanna Laws Landis, who has been leading community song circles regularly since 2020. Joanna has recently relocated to the land of her maternal grandmother’s people outside of Asheville, NC, where in addition to leading singing & grief-tending, she is deepening her understanding of the body’s innate wisdom for healing with Somatic Experiencing International. In Episode 155, we'll share a songwriter conversation with Joanna.

Wishing you so very well --

Singing In Love is a 4-day ceremonial song circle retreat at Stonehedge Gardens in Tamaqua, PA -- a special weekend of creating magic through vibration, prayer, community connection and song. 

And THREE of the songleaders involved have been featured on A Breath of Song!

Elisa S. Keeler: Episode #13

Heather Pierson: Episode #84 and Episode #85

Katie Sontag: Episode #68

Tickets and more info can be found at

Juneberry Music, LLC

1162 North Avenue #3
Burlington, Vermont
United States of America

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